03-24-2021, 06:19 PM
The Dorset Village Halls Association (DVHA) was formed in 2005 as a self-help group for hall management committees in the face of increasing legislation and declining assistance from central government.
The Benefits of Membership include
- Networking - Opportunities for meeting other hall management committee members with similar issues and problems, knowing we are not alone in the issues we face, and being able to give and receive help.
- Information - Sharing knowledge on general and specific subjects; for example suppliers, legislation and funding.
- Cooperation - potentially joint buying of common requirements or negotiating discounts
- Website - has a full list of facilities in each member hall so encourages bookings from outsiders.
All halls in Dorset, whether in the area of Dorset Council or BCP unitary authorities, can be members. This includes village halls, community centres, church halls or any other building open to the community.
We have an executive committee with a chairman, secretary, treasurer and representatives from halls, ideally one from each area of the county. This meets several times each year to manage the affairs of the organisation and plan projects and events.
We have an AGM once a year when the officers are appointed. We will hold training meetings on specific topics in various areas when there is sufficient interest.
We cover the basic operating costs from our annual subscriptions, but will also be canvassing for funding from the county.
But mostly, we are what you, our members, make of the Association
Membership costs £10.00 per annum and runs from April each year to the end of the following March.but has been suspended until the end of the Covid emergency.